You can leave a review about a driver or passenger for any trip with an approved booking.
A review consists of:
- a star rating or no-show
- a public review (optional)
- a private note (optional)
- feedback to the Poparide team (optional)
You have four days to leave a review after a trip has started. Reviews are only published once they are provided by both driver and passenger, or when the review period has ended - whichever comes first.
Star rating
A star rating works on a scale of 1-5 and is anonymous, which means it will not be publicly linked to the author’s profile. This is to encourage honesty and increase the reliability and accountability of the Poparide community.
- Drivers can rate passengers using a global five-star rating
- Passengers can rate drivers on three topics: communication, timeliness and safety
We display an average of your star ratings on your trips, requests and profile. This is an average of all available star ratings you have received over time.
If a driver or passenger doesn’t show up on a trip, you can mark them as a no-show. For more information on no-shows, please read the following sections:
Public review
A public review is a comment you can leave about another member that describes your experience with them.
All public reviews are linked to the author and displayed on trips and profiles, which helps members build their reputation in the Poparide community.
Private note
During the review process, you can send a private note to the person you are reviewing which remains private between you and the other person. It can be used to give them feedback on how to improve, thank them for a great conversation or tell them about a lost item.
Feedback to the Poparide team
If you leave a star rating that is lower than five or a no-show, we encourage you to give us feedback on your experience.
Feedback is used to gather information on how to improve our service or resolve conflicts. It remains confidential between you and Poparide and is never shared with other members.